

Bob Fleischauer


Bob KC2SZQ, I am the President of ARATS (Amartuer Raido Association of the Tonawandas) I got my ticket in 2008.

in 2009 I became a board of director, after 2 years on the board I was voted in as president and held this position from 2011 till 2017.

After serving on the board for 3 years in 2020 I became president of our amature radio club and still hold that position today.

I am a member of our EOC team and Niagara County CERT team. I joined Sharidan Park Fire Company at 19 teen and servied 6 years, then joined Kenmore Fire Company and got my first responder CPR first aid certification. After geting mmarried and moving into North Tonawanda I joined North Tonawanda Fire Dept and was a firefighter/fire police officer for 15 years.

I am now with Adams Fire Company in Wheatfield NY. Firefighter/Driver/Fire Police/Peace officer. I am a Member of the Niagara County Fire Police Responce Team, and hold the position of recording secretary for the team. I am area 3 Director for the Niagara County Fire Police Association.

I am one of the net controlers for our ARATS Thursday Night 2 meter net. 146.955

2 years agao I started ARATS Website and facebook page, (W2VCI.com)


Bob Brock

Vice President

Bob K2LED is ARATS Vice President/Treasurer, Bob takes care of the finances of our club, he is responsible for recoreding in new members applications and hanldles the clubs banking, Bob is also one of our net controllers on Thursday Night for the ARATS 2 Meter Net. Bob helps me out with club dutys in my absnce.


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Board Members

John W2PIO (Public Information Officer) John was president of Arats whan I joined the club in 2005 so I rely heavily on his experience for the day to day operations.

Joe Ebrle - Joe N2ZDU is our repeter chairperson and also srrvics as Assistant Emergency Coordinator for Erie County ARES/RACES. Joe was formerly employed at a local radio shop repairing land mobile radio, Joe’s experience in amateur radio, erecting and working on towers is an asset to our club, Joe also volunteers communications for the ride for roswell.

Bob Allard - K2MNC is ARATS Membership & Field Day chair, Bob is responsible for geting the monthly newsletter out. Bob also keeps and maintains a record of the clubs menberships dues.

Mark Francis - AI2EF Board Member, Marks years of experience in amatuer radio have helped out in the daly operaion and our field day acttives.

Steve Delaney - KD2PBZ. Steve is a mechanic by trade, Steve’s knowiedge for amatuer radio is a real asset to our club. Steve is a one of our net controller on thursday nights at 8:30pm, Steve also helps Jim N2UHJ with his 10 Meter Net on tuesday nights at 8pm.

Arats board members help out in many aspects of our club like helping plan things like field days, annual picnic and our Christmas party, some of our members are also net control operators for our Thursday Net at 8:30 pm.