
Weather Information


MONDAY December 9, Areas of fog at times in the morning with rain and drizzle, rain and temps in the high 40s will continue to melt any remaining snow on the ground, flooding in low line areas possible High temp 46 precip 91% winds 9mph with gusts to 21mph, high temp overnight 41 precip 44%.

TUESDAY December 10, Cloudy with rain, precip 80%, high temp 48, winds 5 to 7mph with gusts to 15 to 20mph, overnight temp 37 with a raim snow mix.

WEDNESDAY December 11, Snow and rain in the morning, cloudy breezy and cooler with a snow shower in the afternoon, high temp 42, precip 90%, winds 17mph with gusts 25 to 30mph overnight low 24, precip 91%.

THURDAY December 12, Clouds with sun at times and windy, snow showers, cooler temps high in the mid 20s precip 61%, winds 22mph with gusts 40 to 45mph. overnight temp 19, clear skys.

FRIDAY December 13, Abundant sunshine, high temp 31, precip less then 5%, winds 8mph with gusts 22mph ovenight temp 24, precip 3%,

SATURDAY December 14, Not as cold with sunshine and a rain shower in the afternoon, high 40, precip 48% winds 5mph with gusts 12mph, overnight night 30, precip 25%.

SUNDAY December 15, After a cloudy start sunshine returns, high temp 44, precip less then 18%. winds 5mph with gusts 14mph, overnight temp 37, precip less then 19%.


